Class type Postgresql.result

Class type of query results.

Indices of tuples and fields start at 0!

method status : result_status



status of a command/query result.

method error : string



error string of a result.

method error_field : Error_field.t -> string



message of given error field in a result.

method error_code : Error_code.t



the error code of the error condition as stored in the SQLSTATE field.

method ntuples : int



the number of tuples of a query result.

method nparams : int



the number of parameters of a prepared statement. This function is only useful when inspecting the result of #describe_prepared. For other types of queries it will return zero.

method nfields : int



the number of fields in a query result.

method fname : int -> string

#fname n


the name of the nth field.

raises Error

if field out of range.

method fnumber : string -> int

#fnumber field


the index of the field named field.

raises Not_found

if no such named field.

method fformat : int -> FFormat.t

#fformat n


the format of the nth field.

raises Error

if field out of range.

method ftype : int -> ftype

#ftype n


the type of the nth field.

raises Oid

if there was no corresponding ftype for the internal oid.

raises Error

if field out of range.

method ftype_oid : int -> oid

#ftype n


the oid of the nth field.

raises Error

if field out of range.

method paramtype : int -> ftype

#paramtype n


the datatype of the indicated statement parameter. Parameter numbers start at 0. This function is only useful when inspecting the result of #describe_prepared. For other types of queries it will return zero.

raises Oid

if there was no corresponding ftype for the internal oid.

raises Error

if field out of range.

method paramtype_oid : int -> oid

#paramtype n


the oid of the indicated statement parameter. Parameter numbers start at 0. This function is only useful when inspecting the result of #describe_prepared. For other types of queries it will return zero.

raises Error

if field out of range.

method fmod : int -> int

#fmod n


type-specific modification data of the nth field.

raises Error

if field out of range.

method fsize : int -> int

#fsize n


size in bytes of the nth field.

raises Error

if field out of range.

method binary_tuples : bool



true iff result contains binary tuple data.

method getvalue : int -> int -> string

#getvalue tuple field


value of field in tuple.

raises Error

if tuple out of range.

raises Error

if field out of range.

method get_escaped_value : int -> int -> string

#get_escaped_value tuple field


escaped value of field in tuple.

raises Error

if tuple out of range.

raises Error

if field out of range.

method getisnull : int -> int -> bool

#getisnull tuple field tests for a NULL-value of field in tuple.

raises Error

if tuple out of range.

raises Error

if field out of range.

method getlength : int -> int -> int

#getlength tuple field


length of value in field of tuple in bytes.

raises Error

if tuple out of range.

raises Error

if field out of range.

method cmd_status : string



status of SQL-command associated with result.

method cmd_tuples : string



number of rows affected by the SQL command.

method oid_value : oid



the object ID of the inserted row if the SQL command was an INSERT that inserted exactly one row into a table that has OIDs. Otherwise, returns invalid_oid.

method get_fnames : string array



array of field names.

method get_fnames_lst : string list



list of field names.

method get_tuple : int -> string array

#get_tuple n


all fields of the nth tuple.

raises Error

if tuple out of range.

method get_tuple_lst : int -> string list

#get_tuple_lst n


all fields of the nth tuple as list.

raises Error

if tuple out of range.

method get_all : string array array



all tuples with all fields.

method get_all_lst : string list list



all tuples with all fields as lists.